Five Questions with Jeff Chain, CCIM

CALV Director for 2023

Release Date: November 15, 2023 at 10:26 AM

Longtime local commercial real estate professional Jeff Chain, CCIM, of Millennium Commercial Properties, is serving as a CALV director in 2023. To get to know him better, we asked him these five fast questions:

How long have you been involved with CALV?

  • I have been a member for many years. I have only been on the board for one year.

What prompted you to join CALV and get more involved?

  • I joined to extend my network of like-minded real estate professionals. Having previously served on the board of CCIM for two terms, I realized that a lot of work goes into providing information and delivering it to the members. They really don’t know how much important work it is. It is also important to get involvement from different points of view and not have the same people decade after decade being the only ones there.

What's your favorite part of your job?

  • Doing deal analysis to see if it makes sense. I deal primarily with commercial buyers, so we have to sift through lots to find the pearl.

What's the biggest issue facing the commercial real estate industry today?

  • Cost of capital and its effects on the upcoming refi markets.

What's one thing most people would be surprised to know about you?

  • I was a paramedic in California and am a great-grandfather of two.